162 BOTANY. description of Mr. Watson.—Plate IV. Figure 6. A branch, natural size 7. A disk-flower. 8. Chaff of disk-flower. 9. Ray-flower. 10. Section through receptacle. All except the branch enlarged 10-20 diameters. Helianthus petiolaeis, Nutt.—Tall, erect, hispid; leaves scabrous (lower sometimes opposite, upper alternate), ovate or ovate-lanceolate, irregulariy serrate-acuminate; petioles long (but variable in length); peduncles terminal; heads large; involucral scales lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, acute; disk-coroUa hairy at base; achenia viUous; pappus of "two chaffy awns"; rays large, over an inch long.—Southern Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado. Helianthus annuus, L. (Helianthus lenticularis, Dougl, see Gray, Fl Cal. 1, p. 353; also H. lenticularis, Dougl. vol. v, King's Report, and Preliminary Report of Mr. Watson in Wheeler's Survey, Washington, 1874.)—Utah and Colorado. Helianthus Nuttallii, T. & G.—Nevada and San Luis VaUey, Colo¬ rado, with broader leaves (548). Helianthus giganteus, L., var. Utahensis, Eaton —Utah. Helianthella unifloea, T. & G.—South Park, Colorado (546). AcTiNOMEEis* Weightii, Gray (Pl. Fendl. p. 85).—Erect, somewhat branching; stems canescently hispid; leaves sessile or slightly decurrent, lower opposite, upper alternate, oblong or lance-ovate, irregularly and strongly serrate, thick, scabrous, and distinctly veined, especially beneath; heads on naked peduncles (6-12' long), medium-sized; scales of the invo¬ lucre in 2-4 series, with a short stout pubescence, outer ones shorter, oblong and obtuse, inner lanceolate and acute; rays short, entire or slightly toothed (or sometimes none). Achenia of the disk cuneate-oblong, with a distinct wing extending half-way down the achenium on either side, " Actinomeris, Nutt.—Heads heterogamous, radiate ; flowers of the ray neutral and in a single series; disk-flowers hermaphrodite, fertile ; heads sometimes, by the deficiency of the rays, homogamous. Involucre hemispherical or campanulate; bracts 2-3-8eried,'unequal, short or the outer ones elongated aud foliaceous. Eeceptacle convex or at length conical, covered with chaff, which emhraces the disk- flowers. Eay-coroUas ligulate, spreading, entire or 2-3-toothed ; disk-flowers regular, with a short tube; limb elongated-cylindrical, 5-cleft at top. Anthers entire at base. Branches of the style iu the disk- flowers terminated by acute appendages. Achenia laterally compressed, with margins attenuated and distiuctly winged. Pappus usually of two persistent awns.—Scabrous herbs. Leaves opposite or alternate, petioled, sessile, or decurrent. Heads middle-sized, solitary, and with long peduncles or corymbose-paniculate.—Benth. & Hooic.